Saturday, May 5, 2007

improving presentations

I just came across this article, "5 Powerful Hacks to Immediately Improve Your Presentations." I would call them "tips"; "hacks" sounds like a desperate attempt to make them sound cooler and more technological than they actually are. But anyway, I think they are pretty sound tips. I especially like #4--don't apologize to soften criticism. Such apologies focus attention where it is most damaging. #5 is good too; though I'm not at all opposed to PowerPoint, it is often used terribly. (As grandpa used to say, "A fool with a tool is still a fool.")

But unfortunately the writer's credibility takes a dive in #2: "When you are nervous, everything get’s magnified." The common it's for its error is actually very understandable (since apostrophes are commonly used in possessives), but I can't understand why someone would use an apostrophe with a verb.

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